Photo: Andy Smith on Flickr

7. Black Cat

Japanese are commonly aware of black cats because if you see a black cat crossing your path, it will surely bring a misfortune. Other societies also categorise a black cat as superstitious.

Luck In Japanese

8. Red Ink for Writing

If you write a person’s name in a red ink, it may be categorized as rude and inauspicious. Red ink suggests that person will die soon. It is because the red ink used in tombstone.

9. Whistle at Night

Whistling at night was used by criminals to communicate with their teammates. If you whistle or play a flute at night, the belief says that the sound might bring bad luck or attract criminals.

Japanese Good Luck Animals

At Last

Understanding Japanese superstitions are essential for travelers or people who have close ties with the Japanese people. Foreigners can benefit from the knowledge of the Japanese cultural oddities, taboos, and fears.